Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I am new to this bloggging business so I am sure it will take some time to learn and use. I am working a lot right now so it is going to take  a while. I would like this to become an avenue for anyone who needs a little outside advice. Of course, I would only offer advice in the event that I know a little or a lot about the subject matter. Hopefully, there will be other people to add their position on whatever is being discussed. For people with no one to confide in, this is ideal because it gives them the opportunity to share with added bonus of privacy. I know how important it is to have someone to confide in when it feels like there is no one that I want to share with. The subject matter is of no importance, as it is open to any kind of thought process(es). So, to all that may stop by, I hope you take the time to let me know you have been around. I would enjoy reading what is on your mind whether it is good, or not so good. Take care all and know there is someone out there who cares. :) Melody

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